MANY THANKS!!! Hats off to our chef, Dick, who grilled with skill for the Independence Day Celebration last month. What a tropper to work in all the h…

MANY THANKS!!! Hats off to our chef, Dick, who grilled with skill for the Independence Day Celebration last month. What a tropper to work in all the heat to give us a great time! We are so grateful for the many ways Kathy and Dick Wick help here at Sunstone. Their good deeds are much appreciated. We are thankful for all who lend a helping hand. It makes our community a better place in which to live.

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AUGUST: WHAT’S IN A NAME? August is named for the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, grandnephew of Julius Caesar. When Augustus defeated Cleopatra and Ma…

AUGUST: WHAT’S IN A NAME? August is named for the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, grandnephew of Julius Caesar. When Augustus defeated Cleopatra and Mark Anthony at the Battle of Actium in 30 B.C., he became emperor of Rome, and the Roman Senate quickly decided that since the month of July was named for Julius, their new emperor should also have his own month. At the time, Sextillius (the sixth month of the year in the pre-Gregorian calendar) had only 30 days, so the Senate also decreed that the newly named August should be equal to July, and took a day from February to keep the calendar in balance. Other emperors tried to get months named for them: May was called Claudius for a while, and April became Neronius, but the names didn’t stick.

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